Period problems can range from heavy, painful, frequent periods to absent periods. It is estimated that one in four women will have an issue with their period that compromises their lifestyle or delays conception.

Period Problems 

We frequently see women who have put up with heavy periods for years possibly because they think that period problems are a normal part of being a women.

Heavy periods impact all ages but it can particularly impact women in their peri-menopausal years.

For some they notice that their menstrual pattern changes from a regular, moderate period to an irregular bleed with episodes of large clots and flooding. Often it is an embarrassing flood at the worst moment that makes them seek help from their GP.

Your GP can arrange a blood test to assess the impact of heavy bleeding on your haemoglobin levels and your body's Iron stores. Another test your GP can arrange is an ultrasound to identify uterine fibroids, muscular swellings in the wall of the uterus commonly seen in women with heavy periods.

At BWC, we will discuss all your treatment options such as medication, the Mirena System, endometrial ablation (a procedure to remove the uterine lining) and hysterectomy.

Your individual problem and treatment needs are discussed in detail and a personalised plan is made.

Heavy periods. 

Heavy periods or Menorrhagia can be inconvenient, embarrassing and for many, a compromise on their quality of life.

Many women endure heavy periods believing it to be normal but there are many options for treatment that will enhance your wellbeing.

Painful periods

Maybe I have PCOS?

Absent periods

There are many causes of painful periods including endometriosis and adenomyosis.

Read more on the causes of pelvic pain here.
And endometriosis here.

This is known as amenorrhea and can be caused by natural causes such as pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause.
It can also be caused by low body weight, eating disorders, sudden weight gain, stress, over-exercising, pituitary gland problems and PCOS.

PCOS affects about 1 in 10 women and causes a range of symptoms such as excess hair growth, acne, irregular or absent periods and difficulties getting pregnant.

Have a listen to The Kick Pregnancy Podcast if you are trying to conceive with PCOS.

Next Steps?

I Have a Referral from My Gp

I don't have a referral from a Gp

Book an appointment with a BWC gynaecologist here

You can get a referral to Dr Pat Moloney or Dr Kate Stewart from your local GP.