A podcast that redefines what it means to be informed in your pregnancy and birth.
As we head into the festive season and you begin to make lists of all the things you need to do – the presents you need to buy and the events rapidly filling up your social calendar – take a moment to stop and think, what do I really want to get out of this Christmas break? What do I really need? What does my family really need?
We can so easily get swept away with all the bright shiny things, become overwhelmed trying to keep up with old and new traditions or fall under the pressure of a ‘do more, be more, have more’ mentality.
Turning down the noise of social media, saying no to requests that don’t serve you and paring back on the material aspect of Christmas can all contribute to a more relaxed and joyful time for you and your family.
Reflecting on what feelings and experiences you want to focus on heading into a new year can be rewarding and refreshing, as well as bring peace and gratitude to an otherwise typically chaotic time.
If you’re pregnant right now and contemplating what would help you in the early days of your baby’s life (and your drawers are already full of beautiful little onesies and wraps!), take the pressure off and consider investing in yourself and your family by booking in for the comprehensive Postpartum Preparation Program or a reassuring Home Visit with Perinatal Support Consultant Jacinda Saunders.
Even better yet, if you have friends and family members graciously asking you what you really need and want, let them give you the gift of confident, empowered parenting or a gentle, nurturing session in your own home to answer any questions you may have that are keeping you awake at night. After all, what better gift is there in early parenthood than support?
For more information, or to purchase a gift voucher to see Ballarat Women’s Clinic’s Perinatal Support Consultant Jacinda Saunders, please call the Ballarat Women’s Clinic on (03) 5332 9940.
Written by Perinatal Support Consultant Jacinda Saunders
We work and live on Wadawarrung land. We acknowledge Elders, past present and emerging.
Our team of expert Doctors, Practitioners and Admin team are focused on providing patient centred care so you will feel listened to and supported.
Our main clinic is our thoughtfully renovated rooms in Ballarat with additional clinics in Gisborne and Colac.