Most of all women who have had a child have some level of prolapse.

Prolapse can have a substantial effect on a woman’s quality of life and up to one in five women who have a prolapse will need to seek medical help.


What is prolapse?

Prolapse describes a stretching or bulging of pelvic tissue down into the vagina. It causes an unpleasant dragging or heavy sensation with associated bladder or bowel problems. These include symptoms such as incontinence or urgency, or inability to completely empty the bladder or bowel when going to the toilet. A bulge may appear at the vaginal opening.

Prolapse can result in any extra pressure on the pelvic floor such as pregnancy and childbirth, excessive weight, constipation, or lifting excessive weights.

Postmenopausal women are also more susceptible to prolapse due to dropping levels of oestrogen causing a loss of tone in the pelvic floor muscles.
The BWC approach to prolapse utilises surgery, lifestyle change and physiotherapy.

A prolapse consultation generally involves a discussion of your individual symptoms. An examination is required. Treatment options are then explained in detail. Our aim is to correct the prolapse and address risk factors to reduce the chance of the problem recurring.

Prolapse can be view as an embarrassing problem but treatments are highly effective and can greatly improve quality of life.

Next Steps?

I Have a Referral from My Gp

I don't have a referral from a Gp

Book an appointment with a BWC gynaecologist here

You can a referral to Dr Pat Moloney or Dr Kate Stewart from your local GP.